About Us

Academy for Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Development, Görlitz (ABC SDG) is a non-profit nature conservation organization based in Görlitz.

Our main goal is to promote nature-friendly and sustainable examples of nature use. We believe in fostering a dialogue with local communities and sharing knowledge through lectures and courses.

Redaktion: Dr. Tatiana Minajewa, Jürgen Nauber
Rechtsform: Gemeinnütziger Verein
Vorsitzende: Dr. Tatiana Minajewa (Minayeva)
Stellvertretende Vorsitzende: Dr. Jill Heyde
Schatzmeister: Jürgen Nauber

Vereinsregister: Dresden VR 13030
Steuernummer: 207/140/00463
USt-lgNr: DE361337212
Konto: Deutsche Skatbank Altenburg
IBAN: DE60 8306 5408 0005 3605 44


„Academy for Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainable Development, Görlitz e.V.” (ABC SDG)

Steinweg 1, 02826 Görlitz, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 3581 686 1499

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